Chapter 75: Revitalizing the Town with Hamburgers

“Do you know what this is?”

Tiger showed Milia a set of basic cosmetics.

“The box is beautiful, made of high-quality paper. The glass bottle is incredibly clear, so I understand it must be expensive, but I have no idea what it is.”

Upon Milia’s response, Tiger decided to let Milia experience the cosmetics.

Milia and Cohen went to a separate room, leaving Tiger, Sebastian, and Ginjiro in the room.

Sebastian was waiting at the entrance of the room, out of sight.

After taking a sip of tea and placing the cup down, a clicking sound echoed.

“Um, I really appreciate your help this time. I didn’t expect so many people to gather for the ballroom dance recital.”

I expressed my gratitude for her assistance, to which Tiger kindly smiled and replied, “Don’t worry about it, it’s not a big deal.”

Despite being told not to worry, the fact remained that I had received help.

I insisted that I would definitely repay this favor someday, but Tiger assured me, “You really don’t need to worry about it” and took a sip of tea.

The customers who usually frequented Rachel’s dance hall would dance in the castle’s dance hall, with their families and friends there to support them. Rachel would judge the performances, and in the end, the top four pairs would dance to determine the best pair, which would then be awarded. Afterward, we planned to hold a party and have fun together.

“The castle’s security will be our responsibility. If any participants get injured, they should go to the church for treatment, and the Commercial Guild can handle the reception and miscellaneous tasks. As for the party, please give instructions to our chefs and maids.”

Tiger stated, appearing more serious than usual.

The carriages owned by the Mainz family would also be lent for the event.

Tiger mentioned that if the church was willing to cooperate, the tanuki (racoon dog) must provide carriages as well, she said in a scary tone.

The Mainz family has a fine music band, but I told her that I would gather a music band as well, since some of the songs were popular in the city.

The preparations and coordinate are needed in advance as well.

“I understand the gist of it now, so take care of the rest. If I knew everything, it wouldn’t be as enjoyable for me either, and I’m really looking forward to dancing with Papa after such a long time. I will provide the location, the people, and the money, so I want you to make this dance recital as enjoyable and fantastic as you can.”

I feel pressure from the great amount of trust she has placed in me, but more than that, I am overflowing with excitement.

“Thank you. I believe Rachel will be delighted.”

I stands up and bows deeply.

“By the way, Ginjiro-san, what are your plans for your own business in the future?”

Tiger changed the topic, prompting me to discuss my business plans.

I explained that for now, I was making a significant profit as the Mainz family was purchasing a lot of my products. However, in the future, I wanted to open a more casual establishment where people could enjoy things like cakes and tea. I also mentioned my desire to create dishes using the abundant agricultural resources of Mainz. Additionally, I expressed my intention to continue hosting events like dress exhibitions.

“It seems like opening a hamburger restaurant might become a trend.”

Tiger mentioned, apparently fond of the idea of hamburgers.

“That’s true. I did consider it, but I realized that I can’t handle it all by myself. While making hamburgers is relatively easy, the taste can vary depending on the cook. I think it would be better if everyone could create their own hamburgers and enjoy the unique flavors of each establishment.”

Tiger nodded in agreement.

“Furthermore, if hamburgers become popular in Mainz, they could become a local specialty. Travelers might even come to Mainz specifically for hamburgers.”

I had simply stated something that was commonplace in Japan, but Tiger seemed quite interested.

“Please tell me more.”

I was a bit taken aback by the carnivorous look in her eyes, but I continued discussing the idea of using hamburgers to promote the city.

I talked about how if delicious hamburgers were available all over Mainz, and if there were various types to choose from, it might attract more travelers. More travelers meant more spending and thriving accommodations. Increased employment in restaurants and lodgings, along with higher tax revenues, would also benefit the Mainz family, I loosely explained.

Tiger pondered the idea. I started to worry that my explanation had been too vague.

Sensing the atmosphere, Sebastian brewed another pot of tea.

“What do you see as the drawbacks of this hamburger idea?”

“The drawback would be whether there’s enough effort put into making that demi-glace sauce. Tomato sauce can be quite delicious as well, but the classic choice is hamburgers with that sauce. It might be challenging for each establishment to make that demi-glace sauce, but apart from that, I don’t see many issues.”

Tiger pondered the matter again.

“Any solutions to that?”

Tiger was quite persistent today.

“If we could commercialize the demi-glace sauce and make it available for sale, that could potentially resolve the issue.”

“Ginjiro-san, I’m willing to provide funding, and if there are any issues, I’ll cooperate. Would you consider giving this hamburger town revitalization a try?”

I pondered Tiger’s proposal, but it sounded like a fun endeavor, so I decided to accept. However, since it was quite sudden, I informed her that I would need to discuss the details further at a later time.

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